Launched in 2019/20 is Dynastar's new 4x4 range. Taking all the best features of their piste range, combining it with some features of their Legend freeride skis and adding an all new Hybrid core. The result is an all mountain ski with no compromises.
The Speed Zone 4x4 82 has been designed for advanced skiers that are spending more time off piste. The 84mm waist gives more float off piste that a traditional piste ski without too much compromise. The 3D sidecut profile gives optimum distribution of power by reducing the contact point on the groomers making the ski feel shorter. When you are venturing off piste this extra manoeuvrability makes dealing with the lumps and bumps off piste much easier.
Hybrid core consisting of a blend of poplar wood and PU give this ski a smooth sensation in all snow conditions.
The Konect binding is also compatible with traditional Alpine soles (ISO 5355) and WTR (Walk to Ride)/ Gripwalk rockered soles with quick, easy boot type selection and a consistent natural ramp angle when moving between standards.